Friday, January 20, 2012

Write, J, Write

This week we were going to focus on a journal writing routine. I created three pages of journal prompts and the plan was for him to write 15 minutes a day on a private blog. I didn't want him to worry about grammar or spelling. This is to be an exercise in getting thoughts from his brain to "paper". Back in public school he was tested for dysgraphia, but wasn't diagnosed with it. I think there is something there or maybe his handwriting is a byproduct of the ADD somehow. So I figured typing out his thoughts in the form of a journal about subjects he may be interest in would help motivate him to write.

Not so much.

He writes for 3 minutes and then is done. Or so he thinks. I tell him more detail, but he says that's all he has to say. Alright, Forrest Gump. I don't want to push him too hard because if it becomes a battle of wills he will dig his heels in and we're stuck. I'm thinking about backing off the writing and focus more on reading. It will build his vocabulary (which is already pretty impressive) and he'll get a feel for the structure of the written word.

I'm a big believer in the watch-one-do-one-teach-one method of learning. Maybe we're still on the watch-one part of the equation? I still want to keep the routine of the journaling because it gives me a benchmark, but I think I'll stop stressing about the product.


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