Thursday, January 26, 2012

Physical Ed

We've decided that our P.E. will consist of training for a 5K in April. J and I will walk-run-walk to get in fighting shape for a fun run. I think we have it narrowed down to the ASH Dash Bunny Run. This run seems like a low key (re)introduction to running.

To be sure, I hate running. We're doing this because he needs to have a goal or he'll put off whatever "it" is and never get it done. I think I need a timeline too. Training for a fun (ha) run has a definite date of completion. There is an open and closing bracket to the goal.

We'll be using the Couch to 5K plan to train. I started on this program a couple of years ago and it was relatively painless. I like that it gives clearly defined goals and doesn't try to get me to do more than my totally inactive self can manage.

Wish us luck!

2/1/2012 Update - I feel that it's just as important to report on the misses as well as the hits in this game. (I'm going with the sports analogy because we're talking about P.E. here, but I promise not to overdo it. Unless it's too late now.) We haven't walked one darn day. I'm going to chalk it up to end of the fiscal year/quarter/month that requires my attention so my life has been unbalanced. Still the decision is in tact and all we can do is get up and try again. I'll let you know.

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