Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Starting Electives

Violin class resumed this week. We're using the same instructor we used when J was in the orchestra in public school. We LOVE Ms. Lauren. She is so enthusiastic and really works well with the preteen-teen set (and let's face it, they can be decidedly unlovable at times). We've set up a music space for J to practice. Daily. Right now they're working on "Hey Jude" by The Beatles.

He started Physical Education this week as well. We've been members of the YMCA before we homeschooled (I used to work there in fact) so we just signed him up for the Fit Start class. It's mostly orientation, but it will get him off to a good start. And us out of the house.

J is enjoying his core curriculum though it's not yet challenging him. That probably because I had him start at the beginning of year to get a gauge of where he was at and to see if there were any gaps in his learning that I needed to address. He's breezing through the lessons right now. Still the whole point is to find our rhythm to this homeschool gig so I'm good with where we are at for now.

I do worry that he's still so very "institutionalized". He asks permission to take a break or get a drink. I did tell him he need not ask me about going to the restroom. In fact, please don't. I know it will take time to lose the idea that he's got this straight line to follow. One of the larger reasons I did choose to homeschool is because I've seen the decline in critical thinking skills with students. I swear some of the students would stand out, look at the sky and drown if someone didn't tell them to come in from the rain. The more I was around it in the classroom with students, the more I became concerned that my offspring's brains were becoming Swiss cheese.

Tomorrow is Chess Club. It should be an adventure!

Mama P.

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