Saturday, March 10, 2012

Current Events & Government Classes

Dad has picked up part of the teaching duties.

He's always been a fan of politics and with this being an election year he is like a pig in slop. Truthfully he's really good about vetting the news coverage and giving a concise summary of any given issue. It's one of the reasons we keep him around.

Isaac, that's my husband and, as point of clarification, my kid's dad, works quite a bit. He manages the administrative functions of a medical clinic. He's good at what he does, but he's gone from the our little Urban Ranch about 12 hours a day. He wants to be a part of the homeschooling process, but we're all figuring out where that should happen.

Enter current events. We're learning about History, but applying history to what's going on now in our world is a critical thinking exercise. So a few times a week Isaac, J and Z get together pick out a news article, read it aloud and talk about it. So simple, but we are really learning about what's going on in our kid's minds. They're developing opinions and practicing using that "articulation muscle".

I can't wait to see how they view this election season. They won't be old enough to vote even next election, but they'll know the issues that are important to them and where the candidates stand. I love raising free-range thinkers.

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