Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Haul from the Garden

The tomatoes are doing well. We still have plenty on the vine. I fear this may be the end of our green onion season. The Serrano peppers haven't come up at all. I don't know if they will. I wish I knew what I did wrong on the pepper front.

One of the best things about growing our own tomatoes this year is that Z has given them a chance. He hates restaurant or store bought tomatoes, but he'll eat the home grown ones with now fuss.

Next season I'll be able to use my composted soil. Very excited about that project! I hope I can get my raised garden beds at least for Spring planting since I've been using containers for the past 3 years. I'm thinking the raised beds could totally be a homeschooling project, don't you?

Peace out. Peace in your 'hood.

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