Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Public v. Homeschool

I've told you some good and some bad of our homeschooling days. Today we cover the ugly.

I am so over having a child in public school and a child who homeschools. I want to give Z a chance to experience all of elementary school, but the two different schedules are killing me. ::whine...whimper::

I want Z to homeschool. I want to not be beholden to the school district clock. I want to be free to take field trips or workshops to expand a lesson. I want to do our reading at a park on a blanket in the sun with a half-price diet cherry limeade from Sonic.

What I don't want to do is push Z before he's processed this change in his head. Still every day his leave-by date gets a little earlier. I feel one day soon he'll just be done too. He misses out on the cool stuff J and I do for school. He says he's worried he'll miss his friends, but he doesn't really get a chance to talk to them in school and he never makes time to see them after school so what's the diff?

But I get it. We all hate change and this little guy needs to sit with his options before he makes a move. He wants to be homeschooled. At this point it's just timing.

Please, Lord, give me patience through this transition.

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